By Michaela Acuyado

Do you have a talent in Music? Then you could be in this situation too wherein you really wanted to go out with friends and play music or go to your music coach to practice singing or playing musical instruments but you couldn’t go outside of your house because of the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a very distressing situation right?

But think of it, there are some effective ways in which you can keep your musical talent alive during this time of pandemic so that  it wouldn’t die in yourself. 

Exercise your musical talent constantly.

What does it mean to exercise your musical talent? Simply, make it a recurring schedule to do singing, writing and composing songs or playing a musical instrument. You wouldn’t be bored doing for sure because you love this stuff. It’s your passion right? You can do this at least 30 minutes to an hour everyday or even thrice a week. And the best thing about it, is you can do this inside your bedroom or any place you want in your house.

Do a live streaming performance or upload your performance.

We should be thankful to the 21st technology that despite just being at home, we can still connect to people like we are actually together because of its online social media platforms.

One of the things that you can do to keep your music talent active is to perform live or  just upload your video performance using some online platforms like the famous Facebook, Instagram and Youtube. It is like you are doing a concert of your own or like performing on a stage but the only difference is that you are just at the comfort of your home. You can sing, dance or play a musical instrument. 

Nowadays, people are hooked to this kind of thing so they will enjoy watching you and in return you are keeping your music talent on the go by showcasing it. Another benefit of this is that you can connect to people by offering your performance for free or with a pay and helping them through your music cope up with the pandemic situation. Some people need a kind of thing to hold on or a reason to continue living, or because they are lonely, they need some entertainment or you can heal an anxious, depressed or sick heart physically and emotionally. Very soulsifying it is really.

Tutor music online.

If you are an expert in your music craft, then you could do online music tutorials. This can also refresh your knowledge about music and will eventually help you exercise your music skills. You can do it for free or with pay. If you know how to sing, then you could offer voice lessons or if you are a composer then a tutorial for composing songs. If you are into playing piano or guitar or violin then you would opt to do online tutorials with those. If you know how to dance with the rhythm of the music, then you can do that also. It is so nice when you really know what music craft you are good at so that you know what to share with other people. You can do this as a live tutorial or you can just upload videos of the tutorial on social media platforms. By doing this, you are not just keeping your music talent active but also helping other aspiring musicians/singers/composers to become successful in their dreams. A nice thing also about tutoring online is that people will be in a comfortable situation listening and studying to your lessons.  They will have all the comfort they want and definitely the flexibility of their time and work. They are working at the same time they learn or resting at the same learning.

Keep practicing.

It doesn’t mean that if you have the talent, then you are already good at your craft. Even successful musicians and singers in our world still practice their craft. So you should too. If you already know how to sing or play a piano or guitar or drum or trumpet or violin –  still always you should practice. Being idle even just for a while may make you unfamiliar about your craft. You may forget this and that, so to keep practicing your music skill is very much helpful for you to keep it alive and improve it. Most importantly, if you still are not good in your music stuff, you better practice. Everyday, people should grow and learn because also everyday people’s learning declines. The more you practice, the more you appreciate what you are doing.

Watch music videos.

It is the other way around, that instead of you performing music in a livestream or video or conducting music lessons, now you will be the one to watch those things. This is very helpful too to keep your music soul happy most especially if you  still need to learn. Watching music videos or music performances by your most loved artists or musicians will keep an energetic vibe of your music spirit. You can learn something from them on how they sing, they play the instrument and even perform, and at the same time you enjoy watching their performances comfortably. This is one technique of most of the singers/artists/musicians that they will observe how others do this and that and they will copy it or improvise it to excel more. You can sing along, dance and play music instruments together with them in a virtual way.


Enroll in an online music tutor class.

If you really have the talent and the desire to cater your music calling, then why not enroll in a virtual music tutor class? Sounds amazing huh? 

Due to this COVID-19 pandemic in which people are not much allowed to go out and should observe social distancing, many musicians/music industries have already been offering virtual music lessons.  Wow! It’s a great thing because you can still learn and enhance your music skills even in this pandemic. The best thing about it is that there is no hassle in travelling, you are free to schedule your own time, you are at the comfort of your home, you are in control of your learning and you can even access your recorded lessons for you to review and practice. Also, virtual classes offer plenty of resources to use in learning music skills.

Virtual learning is very cost friendly, convenient, effective and efficient in this time of pandemic. 

In this time of pandemic, yes we are bound by the four corners of our room or house, but it will never be a reason that we cannot keep our music talent alive. During these times, music is really a necessity for most people because the pandemic has caused a lot of fear, anxiety, depression and loneliness to most of us. And we all know that music can heal. Your simple act of singing or playing an instrument contributes a lot to other people during these times. So always remember, whatever seasons we have in life, never ever forget to keep your music spirit alive – and who knows it can contribute to the healing of the world too.

“ I believe that through music we can help heal the world.” – Michael Jackson

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